Short list for Swedish Grand Prize for Journalism
The short list for the Swedish Grand Prize for Journalism was released today at a press conference.
Finalists in the category Storyteller of the Year were: Josefine Hökerberg and Roger Turesson, DN Sthlm, Dagens Nyheter for the article series “Tiggarna i Stockholm” (beggars in Stockholm); Randi Mossige-Norheim, P1 Dokumentär, Swedish Radio for the radio documentary “Narkotikalandet” (the land of drugs); and Daniel Velasco, P1 Dokumentär, Swedish Radio for the radio documentary “Den fastspända flickan” (the bound girl).
Finalists in the category Innovator of the Year were: Lisa Irenius, Upsala Nya Tidning, for e-books and cultural journalism that reaches the farthest margins; Kristoffer Triumf for the podcast Värvet; and Kenan Habul, Natalia Kazmierska and Stefan Mattsson, Aftonbladet for their reportage travel throughout Sweden, #välkommen.
Finalists in the category Scoop of the Year were: Sven Bergman, Joachim Dyfvermark and Fredrik Laurin, Uppdrag Granskning, SVT for the documentary series “TeliaSonera och marknadsandelar till varje pris” (TeliaSonera and marketshares at any cost); Niklas Orrenius, Dagens Nyheter for the article series Skånepolisens hemliga register (Skåne police’s secret list); and David Baas and Christian Holmén, Expressen, for their scoop on the Sweden Democrats, iron pipes and zero tolerance.
The finalists received certificates at a lunchtime ceremony. During the ceremony, it was also revealed that TV host Camilla Kvartoft will be the host for the awards ceremony in Stockholm on Nov. 21, where the winners will be announced.
At the November ceremony, the winner of the Lukas Bonnier Grand Prize for Journalism, for lifetime achievement, also will be announced.
The total prize money is worth SEK 100,000 (approximately USD 15,000).