Book Design Honor
Award-winning book designer Nina Ulmaja has won yet another prize: her cover for the Swedish translation of Robert Bolaño’s 2666, published by Albert Bonniers Förlag, won an honorary mention at the Leipzig book fair for Best Book Design from All Over the World, an award sponsored by Stiftung Buchkunst, the German Foundation for Book Arts. Some 540 books competed, with entries from 31 countries. A total of 14 prizes were given out.
About Ulmaja’s winning design, the jury wrote: “With over a thousand pages you might expect a book which makes you feel tired before you have even started reading it. But nothing of the sort here. This is an attractive, soft and most inviting publication. From the typeface layout within the type-area to the flexible fold-out cover, economical and meticulous continuity of typography is characteristic. Everything is very soothing with no danger of boredom, the chapter beginnings elegant. With sparse means but high quality a well-formed novel.”