“Our climate and sustainability work is a central part of Bonnier Books business.”
Three questions about climate efforts for Steffen Bollermann, CSR Manager at Bonnier Books.
What have you done for the climate during 2022, and what are you most proud of?
Our employees work in many ways to reduce the carbon footprint of our products and workplaces. Driving climate issues within a company is clearly dependent on support from the Board, CEO and executive management. But success is also dependent on how employees implement the issue in their daily work lives and in their decisions.
How do you connect business benefits to climate initiatives?
Paper mills are dependent on electricity to produce paper. Knowing the source of the electricity, where the paper is manufactured and how the local region is affected by energy shortages are important parts of how we identify materials with a low carbon footprint. Furthermore, the climate crisis is going to be ever more important in an author’s choice of publisher. There are several reasons we consider our climate impact and sustainability strategy as a central part of Bonnier Books, as opposed to something that’s a “nice-to-have.”
What is the biggest challenge going forward?
The previous year was affected a lot by different crises: the paper crisis, the energy crisis, strikes in the paper industry, high inflation, problems with the global supply chain and the after-effects of Covid 19. Reaching our climate goals is a challenge when materials with a low carbon footprint are not readily available and costs increase simultaneously in every part of the supply chain.
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