Finalists for the Swedish Grand Prize for Journalism 2016
The finalists for the Swedish Grand Prize for Journalism were named at a press conference today. The award categories include Storyteller of the Year, Innovator of the Year and Scoop of the Year and newly inaugurated in conjunction with the 50th anniversity of the establishment of the prize, Voice of the Year.
Voice of the Year
Anna Gullberg
The jury wrote: “As editor-in-chief for Gefle Dagblad, she has in a polarized time and with a clear voice defended local journalism’s unique position.
Magda Gad
The jury wrote: “Her incredible courage and unquenchable will in reporting take us to the world’s dangerous and exposed places.
Niklas Orrenius
The jury wrote: “A tireless journalist who in his flawless style researches and documents the most difficult problems of our time.”
Storyteller of the Year
Lisa Jarenskog and Alexandra Pascalidou, SVT
We’re Called Beggars
The jury wrote: “With their warm and unique presence, they depict both hopelessness and hope among people we usually pass by.”
Negra Efendić
I Was Exactly Like You
The jury wrote: “In her reportage, she returns to her own escape, and with an unsentimental gaze portrays the lasting impression war leaves on a child while giving life to the people behind the news.”
Soran Ismail, Lena Laurén and Jonas Steken Magnusson, SVT
Absolutely Swedish
The jury wrote: “A TV report that with forthright inquiry and examination forces us at last to look at the mechanisms behind everyday Swedish racism.”
Innovator of the Year
Bo Sjökvist, SVT
Me and My Psyche
The jury wrote: “With a cell phone and patience, he has portrayed mental suffering on the participants’ own terms and demonstrated that the simplest may be the smartest.”
Gellert Tamas and Linn Ogelid, Aftonbladet
Swedish Hate
The jury wrote: “They’ve let design and content go hand-in-hand and created a new standard for long-form reading in a digital format.”
Helena Bengtsson, SVT
The jury wrote: “An international star of data journalism, she hits scoops where others see only ones and zeroes.”
Scoop of the Year
Bosse Lindquist, SVT
The Experiment
The jury wrote: “With masterful storytelling, he has gotten to the bottom of fraudelent research and revealed life-threatening ambition in the academic world.”
Mattias Carlsson and Mikael Delin, Dagens Nyheter
National Audit Office
The jury wrote: “With irreproachable zeal, they revealed how a system change led to a system fail among the watchdogs of power.”
Richard Aschberg, Aftonbladet
The jury wrote: “In a spectacular reveal, he has shown how the waste, greed and gluttony of elected officials led to a black hole of shattered confidence.”
The winners will be announced at an awards ceremony and dinner on Nov. 23 in Stockholm. Read more (in Swedish).