Happy 75th, Damernas Värld
This year, Sweden’s biggest fashion magazine, Damernas Värld (women’s world), is 75 years old. The title is celebrating with a blazing anniversary issue with Editor-in-Chief and fashion icon Martina Bonnier on the cover for the first time. In her column in the issue, she gives a brief history of the magazine, from the war years to today.
“How do I summarize briefly everything that’s happened in Sweden’s biggest fashion magazine the past 75 years?” she writes. “Should I start in 1940, when the magazine changed its name from Flitiga Händer (busy hands) to Damernas Värld and had a sporty girl in a poppy field on the cover?
“Or should I begin in Halmstad, when I was a girl and the high point of the week was when my mother’s copy of Damernas Värld popped through the mail slot and I eagerly flipped through to editor Lotta Lewenhaupt’s department ‘the absolute newest?’
“Maybe I should talk about the drastic journalistic decision of Bonnier Tidskrifter that VeckoRevyn’s and Damernas Värld’s editorial teams should switch places overnight – to the employees’ astonishment (that’s how I ended up working on the celebrating editorial team to begin with)?”
The entire issue breathes party and celebration. A fashion story interprets every decade, but in modern style. Since Damernas Värld is a magazine that is often passed on from mother to daughter, three generations of readers – a mother, daughter and grandmother from Västerås – were invited to the offices for a celebratory tea.
And the celebration continues with a special Stockholm subway campaign where the anniversary cover is being shown.