HD–Sydsvenskan Integrated Into Bonnier News
We talked with Lars Dahmén, CEO for the company and head of the business area Magazines for the Bonnier group, which also includes Bonnier Publications in Denmark and Bonnier Corporation in the U.S.
Why the name change?
The Swedish word tidskrifter, with its close connotation to print, has worked well to describe what we do, but today we do so much more than just print magazines. The new name reflects our work so much better, it shows that magazines are still central, at the same time it brings out that we do so much more around our strong brands.
Such as…?
Everything digital around our websites obviously, but also so much more: We produce books, run events and classes, sell products and bring thousands of Swedes out on guided tours all over the world. Among many other things. And everything we do is a part of our different brands.
How does the new name change things for you and the market?
A name is a name, so we don’t expect the name change to work miracles. But changing names is part of the changes we’re working with across the board. We’ve looked at our core values and vision, plus we’re moving the entire company from seven floors on Sveavägen to one floor in the Bonnier Building on Torsgatan. Put together, this all will lead to us being even better at working with our readers, customers and partners.
When will the name change be taking place?
Formally, the Swedish Corporation Registration Office has already approved the name change, but we will make it official when we open the doors at our new address on Torsgatan 21 on Monday, August 7.