Influencing Food
Paul Svensson, chef at Stockholm’s Fotografiska museum and Göteborg’s Wake Café as well as on TV, has won Allt om Mat’s stora matpris, the annual award from Swedish food magazine Allt om Mat. For nearly 30 years, Allt om Mat has been giving out the prize to those who have had a significant impact on Swedish food culture and standards.
“Paul Svensson has inspired me to be a better cook,” says Mona Johansson, editor-in-chief for Allt om Mat. “He is incredibly accurate and reliable in his work, while at the same time you can be sure that he’s always got something new and cutting edge to offer.”
The jury, which is made up of the editorial team at Allt om Mat, wrote about this year’s winner that “Allt om Mat’s stora matpris 2012 goes to one of Sweden’s most inspiring food people. Paul Svensson unites top-class gastronomy and a feeling for trends with a genuine zeal for educating the public.”
Svensson is known for his passion for new ideas, new projects and as an evangelist for organic food.
Previous winners have received the award for a broad range of efforts, from Annika Unt Widell who won in 2011 for the school lunch initiative “Skolmatens Vänner,” to 2008 winner Mats-Eric Nilsson, who as a journalist has taken on the cause of improving food quality and investigated the food and beverage industry.
“As Sweden’s No. 1 food magazine – and its oldest – the prize has a lot of weight,” says Johansson. “It’s important to put the spotlight on and recognize individuals who have had an impact, which can be in a wide range of areas that have to do with food. This year we have given the prize to a chef, last year it was someone who has done a lot to improve school meals in Sweden.”
Svensson will receive his prize on Nov. 9 at Stockholm’s big food trade show, Mitt Kök.