
New CEO for Bonnier Media Deutschland

Today, Bonnier Media Deutschland announced that Christian Schumacher-Gebler will be taking over as CEO starting in January 2014.

Earlier this March, Hartmut Jedicke, current CEO of Bonnier Media Deutschland, was tapped to head Bonnier Books International, a newly created business area of the Bonnier group for its book operations outside of Scandinavia, including Bonnier Media Deutschland, Bonnier Publishing in the U.K. and Bonnier Books New Markets. As part of his new role, Jedicke will be leaving his position as CEO of Bonnier Media Deutschland.

Schumacher-Gebler moved to the Bonnier Media Deutschland headquarters in Munich in January 2013. From 2007 to 2012, he was CEO of Ullstein Buchverlage, one of the publishers that are a part of Bonnier Media Deutschland. 

Aside from Ullstein, Bonnier Media Deutschland includes publishing houses Aladin, arsEdition, Carlsen Verlag, Hörbuch Hamburg, Piper and Thienemann, among others.