Record Year for TV4 Group
For the TV4 Group, the Swedish network’s 25th year was one of the best ever in terms of viewers and consumption.
Digital viewing for on-demand service TV4 Play nearly doubled with streaming starts increasing from 135.2 million to 263.7 million from 2014, and 60 million hours of consumed content versus 33.5 million in 2014, an all-time high of new viewers reached. TV4 Play also increased the lead over its commercial rivals. In terms of share, the TV4 Group had its second best year ever for linear TV with 31.5 percent for 15-64-year-olds, and for the channel TV4, it was the best year since 2007 with 20.9 percent share for the same age group. The group’s big initiative to focus on unique Swedish content within all genres as well as a stronger digital focus are key factors to the success.
“During 2015, TV4 celebrated its 25th birthday,” says TV4 Group CEO Casten Almqvist. “To start 2016 together with our viewers, users and customers with such a strong year behind us gives us something to truly build on. Which is to be better at meeting users where and how they want to be met.”