Stylista.no Launches
With a focus on fashion, inspiration and social shopping, Stylista.no is something completely new for the Norwegian market, and Bonnier Media’s biggest digital initiative ever.
At the website, users can create profiles, can “love” – not merely like – as well as share and collect their favorites while they are getting the latest news from popular Norwegian women’s fashion magazines Costume and Stella.
“We’re focusing on women between ages 18 and 30 who are interested in fashion and beauty, and using the possibilities that a digital platform provides,” says Viktoria Hallberg, product manager for Stylista.no. “For example, to create a profile, connect with friends and buy anything you see,” says Viktoria Hallberg, product manager for stylists.
On the team are four of the most popular and best fashion bloggers in Norway. They have moved their blogs to Stylista.no and have their own Stylista.no shop: Ulrikke Lund, Nette Nestea (Annette Haga), Style Devil (Marianne Theodorsen) and Ingrid Holm.
“I became part of Stylista.no because I love the opportunity to have such a creative platform to play with,” says Ulrikke Lund. “For me, Stylista.no is a next step, more interactive, a next-level fashion blog where I can do more. Not to mention that you can buy your favorite things in a couple clicks, 1-2-3! I hope lots of girls will discover this new way to be a fashionista online,” says Ulrikke Lund.
There have been major structural changes in the women’s market recently, says Bonnier Media CEO Trond Juliussen, and the company is focusing on new digital products for this audience. “We live in a media time where habits are changing at a great pace, and we will prioritize growth areas within the niches that we always want to be the best at – including digital,” says Juliussen.