The 2013 Swedish Grand Prize for Journalism Goes To…
The winners of the Swedish Grand Prize for Journalism were announced at a prize ceremony tonight. Some 200 of the country’s leading media personalities from newspapers, magazines, TV, radio and the web gathered at the Opera Rotunda in Stockholm. The ceremony was broadcast live on Sweden’s top media websites.
The host for the evening was Camilla Kvartoft, currently host of public affairs program Agenda and viewer favorite Veckans brott (crime of the week) on Swedish state television. During the ceremony, she interviewed the year’s international guest of the awards, Duncan Campbell, longtime Guardian journalist and one of the United Kingdom’s top crime reporters. He talked about the trials of journalists during the recent phone hacking scandal and his opinion of Edward Snowden’s disclosures, from the Guardian’s unique position as both publisher and participant.
The winners are:
Storyteller of the Year
Josefine Hökerberg and Roger Turesson, DN Sthlm, Dagens Nyheter for the article series Tiggarna i Stockholm (the beggars in Stockholm).
“Because they told of the life stories that can be hidden behind a begging hand.”
Innovator of the Year
Lisa Irenius, Upsala Nya Tidning for e-books and cultural journalism that reaches the farthest margins.
“With minimal resources but a lot of fantasy and invention, she’s succeeded in revitalizing one of the most conservative areas of journalism – literary criticism.”
Scoop of the Year
Sven Bergman, Joachim Dyfvermark and Fredrik Laurin, Uppdrag Granskning, SVT for the documentary series “TeliaSonera och marknadsandelar till varje pris” (TeliaSonera and marketshares at any cost).
“Because they exposed a culture of cover-ups and questionable business deals in TeliaSonera’s quest for market share.”
The Lukas Bonnier Grand Prize for Journalism
Lasse Granqvist, Sports journalist, C More, previously Radiosporten, Swedish Radio.
”With engagement, knowledge and distinctive musicality, he makes us all feel and understand what’s happening on the playing field.”
The Swedish Grand Journalism Prize was founded by Bonnier in 1966 to promote strong efforts in journalism. It is Sweden’s most prestigious journalism award. The prize money is SEK 100,000 (approximately USD 15,000) per category.