“We are moving rapidly away from fossil fuels to fossil-free and emissions-free transport.”
Three questions about climate efforts for Lotta Edling, Publishing Director, Bonnier News.
What have you done for the climate during 2022, and what are you most proud of?
Our most important contribution to a sustainable society is our journalism. During the year, a lot of excellent and important news coverage, investigations and analysis of climate-related issues was carried out. We continue to lower our emissions in line with our strategic goal to reduce emissions by 55 percent from our baseline year 2019 by 2030. Within the distribution operations, we are moving rapidly away from fossil fuels to fossil-free and emissions-free transport. Emissions have been reduced by 19 percent from 2021, thanks to increased efficiency measures, coordination and electrification.
How do you connect business benefits to climate initiatives?
Sustainability is a high priority issue and considering our size, we feel a great responsibility to be in the forefront. Climate issues will be ever more important for our readers, our partners, advertisers, suppliers and not least, our own employees. New times create new demands and the better we respond to them, the more attractive we will be to do business with.
What is the biggest challenge going forward?
Because of shutdowns of paper mills, we will be forced more often to use paper from mills with higher carbon footprints than we actually would prefer. Even if we are reducing the amount of print editions over time, emissions are not being reduced at the same speed.
Read more about Bonnier News’ sustainability efforts here (in Swedish).
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