Allt på sajten som innehåller "sustainability"
New jobs for 39 young people in Gottsunda
Trainee program, summer jobs, new stores and visitors are all part of Hemmaplan's initiative in Uppsala.
Smaller carbon footprint for Adlibris
Adlibris reduced its climate impact by 14 percent during 2022, well on its way towards the goal of halving...
Bonnierförlagen chooses paper with the environment in mind
A big step in reducing emissions. Only paper from Lessebo Paper is now used for its picture books and...
“Our customers, private individuals, companies and the public sector, want to shop sustainably.”
Three questions about climate efforts for Linnéa Hård af Segerstad.
“We are moving rapidly away from fossil fuels to fossil-free and emissions-free transport.”
Three questions about climate efforts for Lotta Edling, Publishing Director, Bonnier News.